U.W. A Series #                       Other # Name                                                               Size                                          Formula


1/2                                            F 1 & 2             Wedelstaedt chisel, d.e.                         wide                                         20-15-3

3/4                                            F 5 & 6             Wedelstaedt chisel, d.e                          medium                                    15-15-3

5/6                                            F 3 & 4             Wedelstaedt chisel, d.e              narrow                                     11 1/2-15-3

                                                J 11                  Wedelstaedt chisel, d.e, contra bevel       x-narrow                                   10- 5 -3

7                                              F 7                   Straight chisel                                        wide                                         20

10                                             F 10                  Straight chisel                                        medium                                     15

15/16                                        F 15 & 16         Enamel hatchet, R & L, d.e.                               medium                                     15- 8-14

17/18                                        F 17 & 18         Enamel hatchet, R & L, d.e                                narrow                                      10- 6-14

19                                             F 19                  *Incisal hatchet                                                                                     3 - 2 - 28

20/20                                        F 20                  Hoe regular / reverse                                                                                         14 - 6 - 8

21                                             F 21                  Hoe                                                                                                                  10 - 4 - 8

22                                             F 22                  Hoe                                                                                                                  10-14- 14

23                                             F 23                  *Hoe                                                                                                                6 1/2 -2 1/2 - 9

24                                             F 24                  Hoe                                                                                                                  8 - 3 - 25

25                                             F 25                  Hoe                                                                                                                  4 1/2 -1 1/2 - 25

26/27                                        F 26                  Gingival margin trimmer, distal, R & L    medium                                     13-(97)-8-14

28/29                                        F 27                  Gingival margin trimmer, mesial, R & L  medium                                     13-(78)-8-14

30/31                                        F 28                  Gingival margin trimmer, distal, R & L    narrow                                      10-(97)-7-14

32/33                                        F 29                  Gingival margin trimmer, mesial, R & L  narrow                                      10-(78) -7-14

                                                S 28/0               Gingival margin trimmer, distal, R & L    x-narrow                                   6-(97)-6.5-14

                                                S 29/0               Gingival margin trimmer, mesial, R & L  x-narrow                                   6-(78)-6.5-14

34/35                                        F 30 & 31         Angle former, R & L, d.e.                                  large                                         12-(84)-5-8

36/37                                        F 32 & 33         Angle former, R & L, d.e                                   medium                                     9-(84)-4-8

38/39                                        F 34 & 35         *Angle former, R & L, d.e s                              small                                         7-(84)-2 1/2-9

46                                             F 42                  Axial plane                                                                                                        8 - 1 - 23

47                                             F 38 & 39         Spoon excavator, CD 18                                    medium                                     11 - 7 - 14

48                                             CD 7                Spoon excavator, CD 7                          small                                         8 1/2 - 2 - 14

                                                BBS 32             Spoon excavator, straight                       medium                                     13


The U.W. instruments are double ended wherever feasible

Single end instruments may be used if preferred

Have a new complete set, without substitution

* Have several of these particular instruments; they require frequent replacement

F = Ferrier, J = Jeffery, S = Suter, CD = Clev-dent,

BBS = Bruce Smith


(long handle)



Name                                                   Description                                           Nib Face (0.1 mm)


Foil carrier                                            U.W. 12

Holding instrument                                 Ferrier 10

Holder, d.e.                                           Woodbury 23 (Suter)

Straight                                                 Ferrier 2                                               5.5

.4 Monangle                                          Ferrier 7                                               4

.5 Monangle                                          Ferrier 4                                               5

Small offset                                           Woodbury-Myers 7                               4.5

Medium offset                                       Ferrier 8                                               5

Long offset                                           Ferrier 9                                               5

Right angle                                            Ferrier 11                                              4.5

Parallelogram                                        Spratley                                                3.5 x 7.5

Ferrier foot                                           Ferrier 'F'                                              5

Varney foot                                          Varney 5                                              10 x 7.5

Oblique monangle                                  Smith 1 (U.W. 3S)                                 5.5

Parallelogram, hoe                                 U.W. 14                                               5.5 x 12

Parallelogram, hatchet                           U.W. 15                                               12 x 5.5


For lingual class III, add -

            Jeffery 16F                               (Suter)

            Smith oblique                             Smith contra-angle, small (U.W. 11S)     5

For class II, add -

            Pneumatic or Electromallet-with angle handpiece & points

            Ferrier offset #15                                                                                  5.5

            N. H. Smith offset, A                                                                            6 x 6

            N. H. Smith offset, B                                                                             5.5

            Non-cohesive offset, Jones        U.W. 16                                               9 x 13

            After-condensing, foot, R           Jones, U.W. 17                         25 x 8

            After-condensing, foot, L           Jones, U.W. 18                         25 x 8

            Back action                               U.W. 20 (Ferrier 21 modif.)

            Swager                                     Ferrier 19 or U.W. 19


For Goldent or mat, add -

            Loma Lind #20, d.e.                  (Suter)



Using hand mallet

                        Class 2                                     Class 3                         Class 5


                        Foil pliers                                  B-11                             UW-49

                        B-14                                         12                                 B-14

                        15                                             ____                `           15

                        16                                             2                                  ______

                        ____                                        3                                  11

                        11                                             5 or 6                            12

                        12                                             10                                 _____

                        ____                                        7                                  1 or 3

                                                                        8                                  8

                         8                                             Separator 1, 2 or 3

                        17 or 20

                        18 or 20


Using Electromatic or pneumatic

                        Class 2                                     Class 3                         Class 5


                        UW-49                         B -11                            UW-49

                        B -14                                        12                                 B-14

                        15                                             ____                            15

                        16                                             22                                 ____

                        ____                                        23                                 11

                        11                                             25 or 26                        12

                        12                                             10                                 ____

                        ____                                        27                                 21 or 23

                        23or 31 or 33                             28                                 28

                        27 or 31 or 33

                        17 or 20                                    Separator 1, 2 or 3

                        18 or 20


Also — gold foil

annealer — alcohol lamp or electric annealer

source of force — hand mallet or pneumatic condenser

#  Instruments are listed in usual order of sequence.




            Class  2                                                            Class 3                                                            Class 5


            Swager B-19                                                     Burnisher F-2                                                    Burnisher F-2

            Burnisher F-2                                                    Knives - B-50 or 52                                           Files - B-45

            Mounted stone, small (34 or 19) h.p. or r.a.                     -51                                                                   -42

                                                                                    File - B-41                                                        Knife - B-51

            Bur       - 556 or 557 r.a.                                    Small mounted stone 34                                     Trimmer B-54

                        - 56 or 57 r.a.                                        Carver D-5

            Carver - D-5                                                     Finishing strips - 18"                                           Vaseline

            Knives B-50                                                                  cuttle -  x-fine, x-narrow                        Discs -3/8"- 0000 garnet

                        B-51.                                                                fine, x-narrow                                                               3/8"- 0 cuttle

                        B-53                                                                 garnet - fine, narrow                                                      00 cuttle   

            Files     B-41 or 42                                                        cuttle -  medium, wide or narrow                                    000 cuttle

                        B-44. or 45                                                                   x-fine, x-narrow(for finish)

            Separator 3, 4 or 5                                                                                                                     Snap-on rubber cup, h.p.

            Lightning strips - fine                                                                                                                 303 abrasive - dry

            Finishing strips - 18"                                                                                                                   309 W or Briteshine - dry

            cuttle -  x-fine, x-narrow                                                           

                        fine, x-narrow  

                        medium, narrow

            Wheel brush - #2, h.p.

            Polishing brush - #7 h.p. or r.a.

            Snap-on rubber cup h.p. or r.a.


            303 abrasive wet

            303 abrasive dry

            309 W or Briteshine —dry


* Discs - 3/8" is usually only size required. They are always mounted on the Sproule disc mandrel (small head, snap-on typo), preferably in the h.p. rather than r.a.


# Instruments and materials are listed in usual order of sequence.




Patient chart and health history

Radiographs of tooth

Operating gown

Mask and gloves


Patient's bib

Towel chain

Cotton font and cotton

Waste receiver (small paper cup)

Mouth mirror (2)

2 cotton pliers - UW-49

Mouth wash, warm

Local anesthetic equipment‑

            Topical anesthetic (liquid or paste)


            Needle - 30 gauge - 5/8", and 1 ¼” - 27 ga.


Dental floss

Rubber dam, dark, extra-heavy (.012"), 5"X6" or 6"X6" (several)

Rubber dam pad (several)

Rubber dam punch

Lubricant - lather shave soap

Rubber dam clamps - 5, 22, 212's (a set), Hatch, 16 (modified)

Rubber dam clamp holder

Rubber dam holder

2 rubber dam weights (#4)

Ligature scissor or curved crown scissor

Saliva ejector


Water glass


Compound tracing sticks - red

Burnisher - F-3 (fishtail)

Instrument sharpener

Binocular loupe

Handpiece – straight

Burs - 33½ - h.p.

Explorer - G-3 (right angle #5)

Instruments - 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 20, 21, 23, 34/35, 36/37, 38/39, 47 (U of W A series)

Foil box

Gold foil (#4, non-cohesive, in suitable sizes and supply)

Alcohol lamp

Shield for lamp

Alcohol (in screw-top bottle)

Condensers - B-1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15

Foil plier

Foil mallet, Ferrier Burnisher - F-2 (beavertail)

Gold files - pull cut, d.e. and push cut, d.e.

Gold knives - B-51 (small Black) & B-54 (Jones gingival trimmer)

Whiteside scalerSproule mandrel, h.p. (and r.a.)

Discs - 3/8" - garnet- 4/0 then cuttle - 1/0, 2/0, 3/0


Dappen dishes



Rubber cup, Snap-on

Snap-on mandrel - h.p. (and r.a.)




*Listed in approximate order of use.


            seconal - 3/4 gr. (2)

            headrest pillow

            zinc phosphate cement, with alloy filings; cement slab, spatula; plastic instrument

            Pulprotex or IRM

            #7 spatula

            hand mirror

            face mask

            small pliers and abrasive points (to modify clamps)

            plaster model of preparation


Add      - only if operating facilities are incomplete water syringe

            compound tracing sticks - green

            chip blower





Patient chart and health history

Radiographs of tooth

Operating gown

Mask and gloves


Patient's bib

Towel chain

Cotton font and cotton

Waste receiver (small paper cup)

Mouth mirror (two)

Cotton plier - UW - 49 (two)

Mouth wash, warm

Local anesthetic equipment-


            Syringe - small, carpule type

            Needle 30 ga. - 5/8", and 27 ga. - 1 1/4"  (disposable)

            Topical anesthetic

Dental floss

Rubber dam, dark, x-heavy (.012"), 5"X6" and 6"X6"(several)

Rubber dam pad (several)

Rubber dam punch

Lubricant - lather shave soap

Rubber dam clamps - 5, 22, 00

Rubber dam clamp holder

Rubber dam holder

2 rubber dam weights - (#4)

Ligature scissor, or curved crown scissor

Saliva ejector

Burnisher, F-3 (fishtail)

Varnish or Mizzy Cavity Liner

Separators (Ferrier) #1, 2, 3, and wrench


Compound tracing stick - red

Instrument sharpener (or small stone and oil can)


Handpiece - straight (slow speed capability) & contra-angle

Burs - 1/2, 33 1/2, spearpoint, 4/0 - h.p.

Explorers - G-1 (straight), G-2 (contra-angle #17) (two), G-3 (right angle #5) (two)

Instruments - 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 10, 19, 20, 21, 23, 34/35, 36/37, 38/39, 46, 48 (U of W A series)

Celluloid strip

Foil box

Gold foil (#4, non-cohesive, in suitable sizes and supply)

Alcohol lamp

Shield for lamp

Alcohol (in screw top bottle)

Foil mallet, Ferrier

Condensers - B-2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 25, 3S

Burnisher - F-2 (beaver tail)

Gold File - pull cut, D.E. & push cut, D.E.

Gold knife - B-51 (two)

Cleoid-discoid, d.e. (D-5)

Lightning strips, (two)

Strips, finishing, linen, 18", J.B. Moyer

            cuttle - x-fine, x-narrow (6)

                        fine, x-narrow(6)

                        medium, narrow(3)

                        medium, medium(3)

                        medium, wide(3)

            garnet - fine, narrow      (2)

Mounted stones, small, assorted (especially Green Band and 23)

 Discs 3/8"        garnet - 4/0

                        cuttle - 0, 2/0, 3/0

Sproule mandrel, h.p.

Rubber cup, Snap-on, r.a. mandrel



Dappen dishes (2)

Matrix material (steel)

Scaling instruments



            Sedative - seconal, 3/4 gr. (2)

            Headrest pillow

            Zinc phosphate cement, slab, spatula and plastic instrument

Kryptex, IRM or temporary stopping

Hand mirror

Plaster model of preparations

Face masks (2)

Felt holder for instruments



Add - if operating facilities are incomplete‑

            water syringe

             water glass

            chip blower

            green compound tracing stick



Patient chart and health history

Radiographs of tooth

Operating gowns

Mask and gloves


Patient's bib

Towel chain     

Cotton font and cotton  

Waste receiver 

Mouth mirror    

2 cotton pliers UW-49

Mouth wash, warm       

Water syringe  

Dental floss

Rubber dam, 6", dark ex-heavy (.012)

Rubber dam pad

Rubber dam punch

Lubricant - lather shave soap

Rubber dam clamps - 4, 5, 14, 22

Rubber dam clamp holder

Rubber dam holder

2 Rubber dam weights - (#4)

Ligature scissors or crown scissors, curved

Saliva ejector


Burnisher - F-3

Local anesthetic equipment       




            Topical anesthetic

Instrument sharpener

Binocular loupe

Handpiece – straight & contra-angle

                        air turbine contra-angle

Burs - 1/2, 3311, 556, 700 r.a.

Explorers - G-2 (contra-angle #17), G-3 (right angle #5)

Instruments - 3/4, 5/6, 17/18, 20, 21, 23, 26/27, 28/29, 30/31, 32/33, 34/35,36/37, 38/39, 47 (U of W A series)

Zinc phosphate cement, with alloy filings, cement slab, spatula, plastic instruments

Foil box

Gold Foil (#4, non-cohesive, in suitable sizes and supply)

Alcohol lamp

Shield for lamp


Foil mallet, Ferrier

Condensers - B-3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Burnisher - F-2

Hollenback pneumatic condenser - Right angle handpiece and points

Mounted stones, small, assorted

Burs - plug finishing - #35, 36, 56, 57, r.a.

Cleoid-Discoid d.e. (D-5)

Gold file - pull cut, d.e.& push cut, d.e.

Gold knives - B-50-51

Gordon White separating saw, Clev-Dent

Lightning strips, assorted

Separators (Ferrier) #3, 4 and wrench

Water glass


Compound tracing sticks - green

Sproule mandrel, hp r.a.

Discs - 3/8"       garnet '0000'

                        cuttle '0' '00' '000'

Strips, finishing, linen, 18", J.B. Moyer

            cuttle - x-fine x-narrow,  fine x-narrow,  medium narrow, medium medium, medium, wide

            garnet - fine narrow

Dappen dishes



Rubber cup, snap-on

Snap on mandrel - h.p., r.a.

Polishing brush              - #2 wheel (hard) h.p.

                                                -C (Dixon wheel, soft) h.p.

Chip blower is needed only if operating facilities are incomplete





The above lists, instructional materials & recommended readings have been prepared by Dr Gerald D Stibbs and the members of the George Ellsperman Gold Foil Seminar.  They have been used be the George Ellsperman Gold Foil Seminar for our instructional manual and course materials over the years.  Some modifications have been made from the original list by the members of the GEGFS, but they are largely the work of Dr Gerald D Stibbs. The Digital edition has been the work of the George Ellsperman Gold Foil Seminar under the direction of Dr. Bruce B Smith.